Tuesday, March 27, 2012



Hello followers! It has been a long long time since my last blog. Don't worry though, this one should be a good one =)

Over the last couple months our Mens LifeGroup have tackled some tough questions in reading Radical, by David Platt. In short this book asks us, as Christian men, to really take a look into our walk in Christ. Things we discussed were to the nature of, are we doing enough to spread the kingdom of God? Have we made sacrifices? What can we change to stray from the typical "American Dream" and look at God's Dream for us as Christians.

That was a short summary of what we read. I encourage you to take a look at the book, it is really challenging.

Two weeks ago as we were coming to the end of our study, we started to discuss a question that hit most of us between the eyes: What do you want your legacy to be? Now that question could be scary for some, but as we sat and took a minute to really think about it, some amazing answers were given.

I have had some time since then to reflect on my answer, and think about the word "Legacy". The working definition for our specific use of the word is- "Anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor"- (Dictionary.com)

What did we do, in our short time on earth to leave a legacy for God's kingdom? We always hear Legacy thrown around, especially in the media, sports, Hollywood, etc... Michael Jordan left a legacy on the game of basketball, Babe Ruth on baseball, Walter Payton in football. Of course there are many more figures who left an impact.

However, God has called us to leave a LEGACY for his kingdom, so that others will come to know Jesus. When it was my turn to answer this question, it was clear to me. I wanted to make a difference. Each and every individual has a special God-given gift to help his people. Some may be very educated in the Bible, others have an evangelistic way about them, others help the needy, some are called to lead a church or a high-school FCA program. All of these attributes can leave a great Legacy.

The way I look at mine, or that I hope people will say about me is that I led by example. That I inspired others to keep strong in their faith in Jesus. As many of you know, my life has been filled with trial and struggles with Cystic Fibrosis. It's an ongoing battle, one that I try never to complain about, or say no to my dreams and goals in life. I truly believe that God has chosen me and others, that through my struggles He has come through for me time and time again. Where other believers and non-believers have no choice but to know in their hearts that God is doing something special with this person.

I strive for that Legacy. For those that are struggling getting a grasp on life as we know it. Please remember that God has a plan for you to prosper if you trust in Him.

From Isaiah 41:10-

"So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
In times of uncertainty, remember He is there with you. Trust in Him"

I hope that you enjoyed reading, and maybe have asked yourself "What is your legacy? It is a challenging question, but if you choose to tackle what you envision your answer being, your relationship with God and others will surely strengthen.

Have a Great Day!

-God Bless

Go CHS and Bucks!

-Coach Phillips