Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Reason for the Season

Holy smokes, it has been awhile since my last update. Time has just flown by since my return from St. Louis. I went back to work for 3 days, then Thanksgiving Break happened. Now it's almost Christmas Break for me and I am excited. 7 more days!!

Anyways, since my return from St. Louis, I have changed my habits. When I talked with some of the "advisors" at the hospital, the main theme was "take care of business". They need to see a full commitment from me and doing my treatments, exercise, etc..

Well I am here to say that I am doing a much better job at all of these things. Ashley and I sat down a few weeks back and made an outlined schedule of what I need to do throughout my day in order to make sure I am on top of those things. I can say it has made a difference. I am not fully there, as there are still times I get sidetracked, but overall things are good. I am feeling much better because of it.

Secondly, I have recently joined The Rock gym in Collinsville. I just started recently going up there, and am determined to realize that I can't get everything back in a week, or month, or even several months. But I am making strides. I have already gained some weight since doing all of the above which is a very positive sign. Next up is to see where my breathing tests are. I am doing some cardio work at the gym, and core muscle workouts to strengthen my upper body to help my breathing. All in all, things are looking up I must say.

None of this would be possible without the support of my wife, family, and friends, and most of all Jesus.

That beings me to Christmas Season. I am truly blessed, and if there is one thing that I want to make sure of this season is to bless others. I wanna make a point for me not to focus on the materialistic things of this world, and more on the things that matter. All of us can benefit from this. Whether its taking the time to talk to someone you may be distant from, or help the needy, or just value the time with your family this season, never take it for granted. I know I wont. If you have a smartphone that can download apps, I encourage you to download "Youversion" its a free bible app with programed reading plans. I have started "Rediscovering Christmas" It is really cool. Its a daily read, fairly short, but will get you to think about the deeper reason for the Christmas season, Jesus Christ.

Thanks all to those who keep up with this blog, sorry for the long delay. I hope you all have a great Christmas. God Bless.

Go CHS & Go Bucks

-Coach Phillips

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Well I think its time for an update from St. Louis. This blog wont be real long, more of an update.

First of all, I would like to thank every single one of you for your gracious support and prayers. I am beyond humbled by the support.

St. Louis has been, well, tiresome and informational as well. From my previous blog, we are here for a consultation with the Lung Transplant team. Here are a few "highlights" from the meetings and tests

1. I am considered a "candidate" for a transplant.
2. By the grace of God, I am not in a position for an immediate need. Which in short, I am "ok" right now, where I can prolong the "being listed" part
3. All my test came back relatively normal. The Physician on the transplant team, said other than typical CF progression, nothing jumps out to him. This is a good thing for sure.
4. However, my lung strength and weight need to get better. These are things that I can control on my own for the time being. And as soon as I start to feel better, I plan on working at this.
5. Finally, we got to meet with two post-transplant people. Fortunately for me they were both Cystic Fibrosis patients. This was a very comforting thing to see first hand. I got alot of questions answered, and they explained to me life after transplant. It excited me at the possibility of liek afterwards, but obviously I don't want that right at this time. Ashley and I felt real good about the information we got from them. They were 42 (5 years post-transplant) and 33 (6 years post-transplant) both doing really well. One thing is they both gained over 20 pounds. Very promising indeed.

Well I just wanted to highlight a few things on the trip, Ashley has been fantastic in my support, as well as all of you. I will be coming home tomorrow. I now need to get things in gear, and give CF a good butt-kicking for the time being. Well I am worn-out, so I am out. Once again, thank you for all your prayers and kind wishes. I really do appreciate it.

Go CHS & Go Bucks

-Coach P

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Welcome back blog followers =) About a week out from my last post, I would have done it earlier this week, but decided to wait for Veterans Day to post my next one.

This one may be a bit longer, as we are going to discuss exercise, past and present, sacrifices, etc..

Philippians 4:13- "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."

I love this bible verse, as it can relate to so many things in my life, and others. Lets think about the sacrifices that our military men and women have made for our country. These soldiers have to be some of the most strong minded people in the world to do what they do. To go along with this, this also makes me feel guilty, and you will see why.

I am going to start off by talking about me and exercise. In the past, more specifically age 5-18, exercise and me were like peanut-butter and jelly =)

From a young age, I was allowed by my parents to participate in any activity I wanted. I thank my parents for that grace. I played all three sports in junior high and baseball in high school. Let me explain, I could compete with anyone out on that sports field, as my lungs did not hold me back. I can still remember the high school days of Coach Hall's grass drills in football, and running tires in baseball. Teammates of mine will know exactly what I am talking about. Good times for sure! My point with this is this: I was not limited at all, and did not feel any ill-effects when doing so.

Now lets look at the present. To be quite honest I can barely walk a 1/4 mile without being winded. And it frustrates me to no end. I was so used to just being able to go out and run a mile when I was younger and feel good. Now I feel exhausted. I am not used to being hand-cuffed by my disease. The thing is, now if I was to start a exercise routine, I need to look at baby steps. Baby steps is where I get frustrated, I don't know how to start anymore. I had accountability in high school by my teammates and coaches, and an inner-drive like no other. But today, I just feel tired. My motivation suffers. Quite honestly I am at a loss of words in explaining why its like this now.

I wanna take this full-circle, I mentioned that I felt guilty, because there are these great soldiers that are giving everything we got for our freedom, but even more importantly, is that our Savior gave the ultimate sacrifice for me and all of us. I still thank him for all the blessings in my life, and for me being on this great earth today, but I fail in the aspect of doing exercise that I need to keep what he gave me. If anyone has any ideas on "baby steps" and how to get started and stay with it I would surely listen.

This next week I am going to St. Louis for a "consultation" with the transplant team, for a future operation. I have mixed emotions with this, I am nervous, but also excited. I have met people who are post-transplant, and if they are blessed enough to get through the rough parts, their life in general is "awesome" Now I am not saying I want that now, because I still have a mind-set that I can prolong that operation. That's where I use that special verse, on which my younger brother has tattooed on his body, to get me through the tough days. If I can get over this hill currently, I am going to try and honor His name, and make the sacrifices needed to exercise again.

Once again, this is a bit long and rambling. I thank you for taking a look. God Bless

p.s. I will try to throw an update or two while up in St. Louis.

Until then:

Go CHS and Go Bucks

- Coach P.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Keep Fighting


Just want to say thanks for dropping by and taking a gander at my blog. I hope that you will continue to follow, and leave comments. My goal is to try and do one blog a week, maybe more if I am feeling greedy =)

Lately, I have had a lot on my mind. The last two months I have been on a roller-coaster of emotions. In September I got a lead on my "dream job" in Collinsville, which I eventually landed! However, I also found out some news about the progression of my Cystic Fibrosis. Now most that read this blog, will be familiar with that I have dealt with. Most of you know, that I am pretty introverted when talking about things like this. This blog will be a bit more transparent. So if this catches you by surprise then in my Jack Nicholson impression.. "You Can't Handle the Truth".

**This is a blog, and I am typing as I go. I am an educator but not in English, and I do not have an editor like I did when working for the newspaper =) so bear with me. Here we go....

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

One of my closest friend Bill Bennett specifically pointed to this verse in the Bible, and I hold it close to my heart. Some may think...How can a person who has a life-threatening disease be so optimistic about his life and future? Well...its simple, I have faith in my Savior. I may not have been dealt a "royal flush" by the Big Guy upstairs, but I also know that He didn't have me drawing dead (for those poker players out there) I love my life, through the good and bad. My support has been amazing from my family, currently and when I was growing up, same goes to my friends, and now I have a special lady to share my life with and she fully supports me and treats me a normal as I can be ;)

I am going to be attending a funeral of a close friend's dad tomorrow, and it struck a chord with me. We grew up together in school, and I stayed the night with him and vice a versa. We have gone different ways since high school, as life has it, but a friend nonetheless. I feel for him and his family (3 sisters and mother), they are in my thoughts and prayers. The reason it struck a chord with me is I keep thinking about my Dad as well. Growing up he always used to say to me " I do not want to outlive you son, that is my worst fear" It is one of mine also. Please don't take that the wrong way of me being selfish or anything, but I am hoping that through this quote, and feeling for my friend, I can start to do what is needed to take care of myself in a manner like I used to back in the good ole' days.

Keep updated with my blog, and I will talk about the good ole days, my health, and plans for the future, as I need accountability to stay focused on the big task at hand. Thank you for checking it out. Hope to hear from you.

God Bless

Go CHS and Go Bucks